croatian army

Chief of General Staff on the Future of Croatian Armed Forces

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General Mirko Šundov: Army modernisation will be dictated by the state budget.

Former Defence Minister Ante Kotromanović Reacts to Air Force Scandal

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“I support the investigation”, says Croatia’s former Defence Minister.

Experts Sceptical over Proposals to Use Croatian Army to Guard Boarders

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Differing opinions about government’s decision

Reactions to Croatia’s Decision to Possibly Send Army to Borders

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Latest on the refugee crisis.

Croatia to Change Law in Order to Send Its Army to Guard Borders

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Refugee crisis might bring changes to the role of Croatian Army.

Conscription to be Reintroduced? Not According to Defence Budget Projections

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There is no money provided for conscription in 2016-2018 budget projections.

Croatian Ruling Coalition Wants to Reintroduce Military Conscription

Total Croatia News

Croatia could soon have many more (involuntary) soldiers.