croatian news

Croatian Air Force Helicopters Transported 885 Patients in 2018

Lauren Simmonds

The helicopters and their pilots, as well as other staff of the Croatian Air Force have a lot to be ...

Croatian Employers Already Searching for Staff and Promising Higher Wages

Lauren Simmonds

The demographic has had numerous repercussions on Croatian society as a whole, and a lack of adequate or qualified labour ...

Croatian Prime Minister Says No to Property Tax in Interview

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian Prime Minister looks back on his government’s achievements during 2018, and offers and insight into what else will ...

Croatian National Tourist Board Commits Large Sum to Strategic Projects

Lauren Simmonds

In line with the fact that the Croatian National Tourist Board’s budget is facing an increase, the plan is to ...

Mirjana Hrga and Sebastian Rogač to Become Advisors to President

Lauren Simmonds

A couple of new names for both strategic and foreign and European policy for Croatian politics as the President of ...

Zagreb News: Wolt Food Delivery Service Now Available in Capital!

Lauren Simmonds

A welcome piece of Zagreb news for those in the city as a new service for the Croatian capital, the ...

Startups in Croatia: Estonian Entrepreneur Gives Croatia Advice

Lauren Simmonds

Entrepreneurs and startups in Croatia often have a difficult time getting things off the ground when starting with their business ...

Driving in Zagreb: Traffic Chaos to Follow Roundabout Closure?

Lauren Simmonds

Driving in Zagreb comes with both ease and difficulties, unlike the along the coast, the time of year rarely causes ...

Croatia and the Eurozone: Next Two Years Crucial for Adaptation

Lauren Simmonds

Unlike the United Kingdom, which used an opt-out, one of Croatia’s obligations upon joining the European Union was the eventual ...

Croatian Demographic Picture: Cash for Birth in Least Populated Municipality

Lauren Simmonds

There can be no denying that Croatia’s overall demographic picture is grim. An astonishing amount of people have left, mainly ...