croatian tourism

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Istria Records Great Numbers, 6% Less Tourists Over Weekend Than 2019

Lauren Simmonds

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has thrown the spanner of all spanners in the works for global tourism and Croatia, for ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Croatian Tourism: 30,000 Tickets Sold for Prague-Rijeka Train

Lauren Simmonds

The Prague-Rijeka train line has been wildly popular with Czech tourists itching to get away and get a taste of ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Bluesun Hotels Continue Opening Hotels and Offering Guests Discounts

Lauren Simmonds

As Jozo Vrdoljak/Novac writes on the 29th of June, 2020, after the Bluesun hotels in Bol, Brela and Tučepi, Elaphus, ...


Slovenia to Keep Croatia on ‘Green List’ of Safe Countries

Daniela Rogulj

June 30, 2020 – Croatia will remain on Slovenia’s ‘green list’ of safe countries to visit this year without needing ...


Croatian Tourist Board Office in Great Britain Comments on British Interest in Croatia

Daniela Rogulj

June 30, 2020 – Darija Reic of the Croatian National Tourist Board Office in Great Britain comments on the air ...

Croatian Tourism: United Kingdom Creates Incredible Promotion for Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

As Filip Pavic/Novac writes on the 28th of June, 2020, the “green light” for the Croatian tourism industry arrived recently from ...


Gari Cappelli: 246,000 Tourists Currently in Croatia

Daniela Rogulj

June 25, 2020 – There are currently 246,000 tourists in Croatia, Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli reported on Thursday. “There are currently ...

Croatian Tourism: Air Bridge Talks Between Britain and Croatia Arise Again

Lauren Simmonds

Brits, much like other sun deprived Northern Europeans, are getting itchy feet in their desperation for a getaway and a ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

As Spain Prepares to Re-Open Doors, What Next for Croatian Tourism?

Lauren Simmonds

Of the total number of overnight stays this weekend, domestic tourists accounted for 23 percent, and the rest were foreigners, ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Coronavirus Threat to Croatian Tourism Sees Reservations Sink

Lauren Simmonds

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has raised its ugly head here in Croatia once again after a couple of weeks ...