demographic crisis croatia

croatian birth rate

Croatian Birth Rate Plummeting, Here Are The Worst Regions

Lauren Simmonds

August the 6th, 2024 – It’s no secret that Croatia is suffering demographically. The Croatian birth rate has continued to ...

croatian pensioners

Croatian Pensioners Continuing to Work Part-Time

Lauren Simmonds

August the 14th, 2023 – Just under 28,000 Croatian pensioners are continuing to beef up their monthly earnings by continuing ...

croatian construction sector

Croatian Construction Sector Filling Up With Foreign Workers

Lauren Simmonds

July the 14th, 2023 – The share of foreign nationals employed within the Croatian construction sector is still increasing as ...

Croats Over 50 Have Property But Money Lacks

Lauren Simmonds

June the 2nd, 2023 – For Croats over 50, life in Croatia generally isn’t bad, but it isn’t all sunshine ...

Demographic Crisis: Hundreds of Croatian Settlements Close to Being Empty

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, at least 541 Croatian settlements across the country are on the verge of extinction because they ...

The Blame Game: Reactions to Croatian 2021 Census Varied

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, after the Central Bureau of Statistics published the first official data from the Croatian 2021 Census, ...

Pizza Master Ante Svoren Returns from Ireland to Lika, Opens Business

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, after four years of living in Ireland, Ante Svoren, his wife and his children returned home ...

Dugopolje Municipality Tackling Demography Issue with Higher “Newborn Sums”

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s demographic crisis didn’t come about with the coronavirus pandemic, which has seen many people take the plunge and head ...

Much Anticipated 2021 Croatian Census Now Postponed Indefinitely?

Total Croatia News

Preparations for the 2021 Croatian census have been long in the making. Plans have been ongoing since 2016. The last ...

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