demography croatia

croats germany

More Croats Leave Germany Than Move There

Lauren Simmonds

July the 12th, 2024 – For the very first time in a decade, more Croats have left Germany than have ...

croatian emigration research centre

Croatian Emigration Research Centre Discusses Demographic Issues

Lauren Simmonds

June the 27th, 2024 – The Croatian Emigration Research Centre has spoken at length about the burning issue of this ...

croatia empty

German Portal Claims Croatia Will Be Empty In 20 Years

Lauren Simmonds

May the 19th, 2024 – Will Croatia be empty in twenty years? According to one German portal which has chosen ...

osijek demographic measures

New Osijek Demographic Measures Provide Hope for Eastern City

Lauren Simmonds

May the 17th, 2024 – New Osijek demographic measures are set to provide hope for further renewal for this eastern ...

croatian properties

Croatian Properties Have Never Been More Expensive

Lauren Simmonds

December the 21st, 2023 – Despite the fact that Croatian properties have never been more expensive than they currently are, ...

eastern croatia aerial shot

Eastern Croatia Still Struggles With Demography

Katarina Anđelković

July 11, 2023 – The demographic picture of eastern Croatia has not improved. In the last inter-census period, the number ...

katarina bucic

Picture of Croatian Unemployment Records Staggered as Seasonal Job Hunt Begins

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, quite traditionally at this time of the year, the domestic labour market is usually under ...

Croatian Labour Market Severely Lacking Workers for 28 Professions

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, owing to the chronic lack of workers with the necessary skills on the Croatian labour market, ...

Sali Municipality Offering Generous Incentives for Demographic Revival

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, a positive example of proper care for families and tackling the ongoing demographic crisis can be ...

Steve Tsentserensky

Slavonia Full of Heartbreak: Demographic Decline of Vukovar-Srijem County

Katarina Anđelković

As SiB / write, after the final results of the population census were finally released last year, there was ...

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