digital nomads

All photos ©2020, Cyndie Burkhardt.

Croatia Through the Eyes of a Digital Nomad: Your Daily Dose of Vitamin Sea

Total Croatia News

October 8, 2020 – Croatia offers the best lifestyle in Europe, and with a digital nomad visa imminent, remote workers ...

Copyright Romulić and Stojčić

Tired of Working From Home? Rent a Luxury Mobile House on Krk!

Total Croatia News

October 7, 2020 – Imagine leaving the walls of your home and doing your job sitting on a terrace overlooking ...

Source: Pexels

Working From Home Erases Line Between Working Hours and Private Time – Round Table

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 5, 2020 – The Bridge party organised a round table on Monday on the topic “Working from Home: Do we ...

The Guardian Highlights Croatian Digital Nomad Visa, Progress Update

Total Croatia News

September 30, 2020 – As the story spreads slowly in the mainstream global media, a Croatian digital nomad visa update.  ...

Croatia’s Digital Nomad Visa: A Progress Report

Total Croatia News

September 10, 2020 – First the announcement, then the hard work – an update on progress of Croatia’s digital nomad ...

Connecting Croatian Bubbles of Positivity for Digital Nomads and Beyond

Total Croatia News

September 1, 2020 – There are several Croatian bubbles of positivity which are starting to connect, and the entrepreneurial eco-system ...


Croatian Government Introducing New ID Cards, Regulating Digital Nomads

Daniela Rogulj

August 28, 2020 – On Thursday, the government accepted and sent to the parliamentary procedure amendments to the Law on ...

Romulic and Stojcic

This is What Happens in Croatia When You Start Telling the Positive Stories

Total Croatia News

August 27, 2020 – What happens in Croatia when you replace the default negative mindset with its many positive stories? ...

Digital Nomad Life in Croatia: Cyndie Burkhardt, from NYC to Global Citizen to Split

Total Croatia News

August 27, 2020- As the number of digital nomads rises globally, some are choosing to spend some of their time ...

Croatia’s Digital Nomad Visa Story: The Expat Contribution & What’s Next?

Total Croatia News

August 27, 2020 – The announcement that the Croatian Government plans to introduce a digital nomad visa for Croatia is ...