dubrovnik mayor

Work.Place.Culture. Conference: TCN Interviews Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković
Back in July 2020, the city and tourist board of Dubrovnik agreed to a proposal from Saltwater Nomads and Total ...

City Becomes Majority Owner of Dubrovnik Port Company
The city previously acquired a 48.75% stake in the company and has become the majority owner after the city-owned company ...

Mayor Franković Discusses 2021 Dubrovnik Season, Wants to Keep 1-2 Cruisers Per Day
Dubrovnik cannot say that this was a successful season, said Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković at a meeting with Dubrovnik-Neretva County ...

Elections in Dubrovnik: Winners Expected, Exciting Race for Runners Up
Croatian election results are the main topic this Monday. It has been a slow and quiet campaign compared to most ...

Croatia Should Welcome Vaccinated UK Tourists without Restrictions, Says Dubrovnik Mayor
HRTurizam writes that the UK is currently the focus of all tourist destinations. It is also among the top three ...

Dubrovnik Mayor Reveals 352 Brits Arrived on Six Saturday Flights
August 23, 2020 – Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Frankovic revealed in a live program for N1 television that, despite the coronavirus, six ...

Dubrovnik Mayor Asks National Headquarters to Lift Entry Ban on Ships with 200+ Passengers
August 10, 2020 – Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Frankovic has asked the National Civil Protection Headquarters to change the rule banning the ...

Dubrovnik Mayor Asks National Headquarters to Lift Entry Ban on Ships with 200+ Passengers
August 10, 2020 – Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Frankovic has asked the National Civil Protection Headquarters to change the rule banning the ...
Mayor Franković New President of Firefighting Association Dubrovnik
The salaries of Dubrovnik firefighters might soon be raised to match the dangerous conditions of their job