
Croatia and Czech Republic, Why is Czech Republic So Advanced?

Lauren Simmonds

What did the Czech Republic do, that Croatia didn’t?

Polish Fund Purchases Studenac

Lauren Simmonds

Dalmatia’s Studenac is sold into Polish hands.

Sberbank’s Maxim Poletaev: Sberbank Will Own 40% of Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s biggest lender makes sure to keep a tight grip.

Swedish Capital Lends Hand to Croatian Wood Sector

Lauren Simmonds

Through the Bjelin company, Swedish capital offers serious investment into Croatia’s wood sector.

Croatian Textile Factory Makes 70% of Income from Exports

Lauren Simmonds

In five years, the company had revenue growth of 9 to a massive 36 million kuna, with HBOR playing a ...

Rags to Riches, 90% of Croatian Company’s Goods Exported

Lauren Simmonds

The company employs 61 workers, of which 37 are disabled.

Large Investment in D-Marin Marinas in Greece, Turkey, and Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

A 70 million euro investment in D-Marin marinas, ten of which are managed in Greece, Turkey, and here in Croatia.

Rovinj Investment: 600 Million Kuna, 100 Jobs

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for one Istrian tourist gem, as well as for those looking for employment.

Pula’s Pastry Shop Woes: ”Sorry, There’s Nobody To Serve You”

Lauren Simmonds

You just can’t get the staff. No, really.

Eko Taxi Announces Cheaper Services and 15 Million Kuna Investment

Lauren Simmonds

Cheaper services and a large investment are on the cards for the company which holds thirty percent of the capital’s ...