eu funds croatia

Ministry of Economy Awards Croatian Entrepreneurs With Contracts

Lauren Simmonds

As Lea Balenovic/Novac writes on the 3rd of June, 2019, the Croatian Ministry of Economy recently awarded Croatian entrepreneurs twenty ...

Mošćenička Draga Partaking in EU Funded KAŠTELIR Project

Lauren Simmonds

EU fund absorption in Croatia hasn’t been great, but as things are gradually beginning to improve, the projects these non-refundable ...

EU Funds Turning Old Croatian Castles into Hotels and Museums

Lauren Simmonds

EU funds have opened up a wide variety of doors for Croatia, quite literally. As more and more EU funding ...

Šibenik Continues to Impress with EU Fund Withdrawal for Cultural Heritage

Lauren Simmonds

Šibenik is an example of excellent practice when it comes to withdrawing the European Union funds made available to it, ...

How are Croatian Towns, Cities and Counties Doing with EU Fund Withdrawal?

Lauren Simmonds

Just how do various Croatian towns, cities and counties compare in terms of EU fund withdrawal? Some unlikely names have ...

High Economic Expectations for Croatia’s Brod Port Project

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the odd investment here and there, continental Croatia rarely gets a look in when compared to the coast, particularly ...

Rijeka-Karlovac Railway Line Heading for Chinese or EU Hands?

Lauren Simmonds

As the Chinese show greater interest in various Croatian strategic projects, the EU and the EC become more and more ...

Croatia in Plus of 14.4 Billion Kuna from EU Membership

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 11th of April, 2019, in terms of the use of EU funds, the Republic ...

Infrastructure and EU Funds: Port and Breakwater Renovation for Senj

Lauren Simmonds

Along with the current works on the renovation of the Senj harbour, the Senj Port Authority has begun to develop ...

New Ferry Dock for Island of Kaprije Before Summer 2020

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 21st of March, 2019, the first conference regarding the construction of a brand new ferry ...