european union

National Action to Keep Educated Youth in Croatia Held in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

As VLM/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 20th of May, 2019, two respected Croatian newspapers, Večernji list and Poslovni dnevnik, in ...

Did Angela Merkel Really Understand What Happened at HDZ Rally?

Lauren Simmonds

The German chancellor Angela Merkel, otherwise one of the most powerful people in the European Union, was recently in the ...

Croatia Edges Closer to Eurozone, Official Request Coming Soon?

Lauren Simmonds

Just how ready is Croatia to join the Eurozone? The topic is one that has many sides to it and ...

How are Croatian Towns, Cities and Counties Doing with EU Fund Withdrawal?

Lauren Simmonds

Just how do various Croatian towns, cities and counties compare in terms of EU fund withdrawal? Some unlikely names have ...

More Than Third of Graduates with Diplomas in Croatia Unemployed

Lauren Simmonds

As Mirela Lilek/Novac writes on the 27th of April, 2019, Croatia’s situation still isn’t good: the country is continuing to ...

”Don’t Leave Croatia, I Thought it Would be Easier in Time, I was Wrong”

Lauren Simmonds

The economic situation in Croatia is far from promising, and with more and more Croats flocking to Western European countries ...

Croatian Fruit Arriving in Slovenia and Austria Just 24 Hours After Harvest

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian fruits and vegetables are being sold through the website, in order to successfully cut out the middleman. ...

600,000 Residents in Croatia Were Born Abroad, Where Are They Located?

Lauren Simmonds

The unemployment rate for young people up to 29 years of age is the highest among Croatia’s domestic population, and ...

Croat in Germany Reveals Whether or Not Life Really is Cheaper There

Lauren Simmonds

A Croatian YouTuber in Germany reveals all about double standards when it comes to your weekly shop… All too often ...

Picula: Stronger European Union Support for Control of Croatian Borders

Lauren Simmonds

Strasbourg, 18 April 2019 – Croatian MEP Tonino Picula supported the report on the proposal of the regulation on the European ...