european union

Ivica Todorić Comments on Government, Dalić’s Hotmail Affair, and Extradition

Lauren Simmonds

The ex Agrokor boss and current fugitive in London gave an interview to Dnevnik Nove TV ahead of the British ...

729 New Tractors in 7 Months in Croatia!

Lauren Simmonds

Farmers and others in the agricultural field now have more money for equipment and machinery.

Supetar Tries Hand, Secures EU Funds

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for Supetar!

Chance for Croatian Fishermen to Gain EU Money?

Lauren Simmonds

Could Croatia’s fishing industry get a helping hand from the EU?

More Ease of Access for Croatian Tobacco on Foreign Markets?

Lauren Simmonds

Welcome news for Croatian tobacco producers as a new law being prepared will enable them to organise their sales themselves.

Bentleys and Laser Eye Surgery, Zabok Company Goes From Strength to Strength

Lauren Simmonds

Huge export success for one Zabok-based company, from laser eye surgery to Bentleys.

EU Funds Help Croatian Company Develop Electric Vehicle

Lauren Simmonds

While it isn’t quite a supercar in question, a massive investment of 30.4 million kuna, of which 15.9 million kuna ...

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Contracts Projects Worth 450 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

They cooperate with Rimac, Končar, and more.

Two Thirds of Companies Find Working in EU Easier Than in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

While EU membership brings benefits, not everyone feels Croatia is keeping up…

EU Funds Help Zagreb’s New Tourist Offer Impress

Lauren Simmonds

EU funds help Zagreb’s tourism take on a new perspective.