european union

Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

EU Should Use Crisis as Opportunity for Change, Says Grlić Radman

Total Croatia News

Grlić Radman was attending the international conference “European Union in the World: The Past, the Present and the Future”, organized ...

Photo: Mario Romulić

Conference “IPA III: Connecting People Beyond Borders” Held in Split

Total Croatia News

“IPA III (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) will be the most important tool for the European Union in its enlargement policy in ...

Photo: Mario Romulić

Dubrovnik: Panel Debate with Citizens on Future of Europe

Total Croatia News

The panel debate was held at Dubrovnik’s Lazzarettos buildings, once used as a quarantine station during the Ragusa Republic era. The ...

Photo: Davor Puklavec/PIXSELL

Croatia Among EU Member States Calling for Stronger Shift to Nuclear Energy

Total Croatia News

To win the fight for climate, we need nuclear energy. For all of us that is a key and reliable ...


PM: We Didn’t Join EU to Take as Much Money as Possible, EU Values Important

Total Croatia News

The EU is founded on democracy, human rights protection, rule of law, market economy and, most importantly, the Christian principle of solidarity, ...


Croatia Soon to Receive €800m for Recovery and Resilience Plan

Total Croatia News

“We expect in the days ahead a concrete decision on the payment of an advance of more than €800 million ...

Mario Romulić

EU Council Recommends Its Members to Reintroduce Restrictions on American Travelers

Total Croatia News

HrTurizam writes that national representatives of the Council of the European Union met yesterday, Monday afternoon, to discuss and update ...


HDZ Official Accuses “Fake Sovereignists” of Scaring Croats About Euro

Total Croatia News

Sanader wrote on his Facebook account that there was no need for any referendum about the introduction of the euro ...


EU Finance Ministers Give Green Light to Croatia’s Recovery and Resilience plan

Total Croatia News

Excellent news for four more member states – Croatia, Cyprus, Lithuania and Slovenia. We have confirmed the positive assessments of the ...


EU Seeks 25% Higher Heating Gas Prices for Croatia – Jutarnji List

Total Croatia News

This scenario is included in the recently published European Commission’s energy strategy Fit for 55, which aims to phase out ...