eurozone croatia

Boris Vujčić eurozone

Boris Vujčić: Croatia Has Seen Plenty of Benefits From Eurozone Accession

Lauren Simmonds

October the 12th, 2024 – Croatian National Bank (CNB) governor Boris Vujčić has stated that Croatia has enjoyed a multitude ...

croatian dual price display

Many Want Croatian Dual Price Display to Continue in 2024

Lauren Simmonds

January the 4th, 2024 – Despite having been a fully fledged Eurozone member for just over a year now, many ...

croatian energy price

Croatian Energy Price Hikes Place Country at Top of Eurozone

Lauren Simmonds

September the 2nd, 2023 – Croatian energy price hikes have been rather extortionate in the opinion of most. In terms ...

german media

German Media: Croatia Is Robbing Us!

Lauren Simmonds

August the 14th, 2023 – The German media has been no stranger to analysing Croatian price hikes and trying to ...

Some Croatian Employees “Feel Poorer” Since Eurozone Accession

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, challenges with getting used to the euro as this country’s new currency are partly due to ...

Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

4,000 Croatian Euro Coins Created by Machines in One Minute

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, owing to the introduction of the euro at the beginning of this year, the Croatian Mint ...

Croatian Pension and Wage Growth Now More Necessary Than Ever

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, recently, there have been signs of inflation finally stabilising after a certain drop in electricity and ...

Croatian State Inspectorate Continues Hunt for Unjustified Price Hikes

Lauren Simmonds

Poslovni Dnevnik brings us the findings of the Croatian State Inspectorate without any changes, and we’ve translated it into English: Following ...

Valdis Dombrovskis: Croatian Eurozone Entry Happened at Right Time

Lauren Simmonds

As Ana Blaskovic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the annual inflation rate in the Republic of Croatia more than likely peaked back in December ...

Despite Croatian Euro Price Hikes, Prices Actually Fell in December 2022

Lauren Simmonds

As Jadranka Dozan/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, quite on the contrary to public perception and the current clamor and naming and shaming ...

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