films in split

Best of Contemporary Croatian Films with English Subtitles at Zlatna Vrata!
Daniela Rogulj
This one is for all of you non-Croatian speaking film buffs!
This Week in Films at Zlatna Vrata
Daniela Rogulj
There is always an excuse good enough to get out to see a film, and there may be no better ...
This Month in Films at Zlatna Vrata
Daniela Rogulj
The bura has for the most part passed, and many of us are eager to get back outside in somewhat ...
This December in Films and Events at Zlatna Vrata
Daniela Rogulj
Since it’s getting colder and the idea of bundling up to a good film is feeling more comfortable, here what ...
July is Almost Over, But the Program for Zlatna Vrata Films Are Not!
Daniela Rogulj
Zlatna Vrata, everyone’s favorite epicenter for films, culture, workshops, and all things creative, has a full summer film program for ...