
Number of Companies Which Would Reinvest in Croatia Falls Significantly

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia hasn’t done the best job of showcasing itself in the investment world, with investors often referring to it as ...

Mediterranean Festival of Books to Offer More Than 10,000 Titles

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 15th of April, 2019, the Mediterranean Festival of Books, a book fair with a sales ...

Croatian Chamber of Commerce Sings Praises of Nautical Tourism

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 12th of April, 2019, the Republic of Croatia has achieved growth in terms of nautical ...

Energy Can Be Driver of Investment Development

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, April 11, 2019 – The energy sector can be the driver of Croatia’s investment development, so it is important ...

Potential for Croatian Producers as Prosciutto Exports Continue to Grow

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 3rd of April, 2019, what has been happening with prosciutto for the past three to ...

Vienna Highlights That Croatia’s Awareness of Digitalisation is Lacking

Lauren Simmonds

As Bernard Ivezic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 14th of March, 2019, the Austrian capital of Vienna boasts as many as ...

Fewer Tourists in 2019? Croatia Must Work Harder for Results this Year

Daniela Rogulj

In foreign markets last month, the results of tourist bookings in Croatia for all of 2019 were weaker than expected ...

Croatia-Russia Economic Relations Strengthening

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, February 25, 2019 – There is a lot of potential to strengthen Croatia-Russia economic relations, particularly in the energy, ...

Investment in Croatia – More Legal Security Attracts Foreign Cash

Lauren Simmonds

Investment in Croatia is at an all time low. With the phrase ”ABC” having become the term for ”Anything But ...

Is Continental Tourism Croatia’s Future? Zagreb and Slavonia Presented

Lauren Simmonds

The stand of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) with its 24 exhibitors is the largest at this year’s Munich ...