homeland war

Photo: Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

I Would Like Us to Think Only About Vukovar These Days, Mayor Says

Total Croatia News

“I would like us to think only about Vukovar these days, for our thoughts to be with those who are ...

Photo: Dino Stanin/PIXSELL

30th Anniversary Commemoration of Škabrnja Massacre Begins

Total Croatia News

The procession headed towards the monument built on the site of a mass grave where the victims of the massacre were ...

Photo: Mario Romulić

Remembrance Day Being Commemorated on 30th Anniversary of Fall of Vukovar

Total Croatia News

The city on the River Danube was under siege for 87 days, and the battle for Vukovar ended on 18 ...

Jose Alfonso Cussianovich/Total Croatia News

Model of the Vukovar Water Tower Placed in Vukovarska Avenue, Split

Total Croatia News

In memory of all the victims of Vukovar and Škabrnja, students and professors of the Craft and Technical School Split ...

Photo: Grgo Jelavic/PIXSELL

HND: Journalist Subjected to Institutional Lynching Over Article on Vukovar

Total Croatia News

The HND said in a statement it was particularly worrying that public condemnations of the journalist were made by the ...

Photo: Igor Soban/PIXSELL

Exhibition “Freedom is Called by Its Name” Opens in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Plenković said that every time that emotions and events from 30 years ago are mentioned there is no better word ...

Copyright Miso Mihocevic

Miso Mihocevic Discusses War Memories, Dubrovnik, Potential for Book

Lauren Simmonds

As Dubrovniknet/Lidija Crncevic writes, not for one second did Miso Mihocevic consider packing his bags, abandoning his city and removing ...

Photo: Ivica Galovic/PIXSELL

Defence Ministry Says It Prevented Int’l Scandal Involving Battalion in March

Total Croatia News

The ministry said in a press release that on 17 March President Zoran Milanović’s office informed the military Chief-Of-Staff, Admiral Robert ...


Delegation of Ministries and County Lays Wreath at Vukovar Memorial Cemetery

Total Croatia News

The delegation was led by Defence Minister Mario Banožić and included Vukovar-Srijem County Prefect Damir Dekanić, who called for unity. “With a ...

Photo: Croatian Technical Encyclopedia

PM Says Croatia Owes Rudolf Perešin Eternal Gratitude and Respect

Total Croatia News

On 25 October 1991, Perešin, a Croat, defected from the JNA from Bihać to Klagenfurt and joined the Croatian Army. His plane ...