inland dalmatia


10th Cetina Memorial Regatta in Panj on Sunday

Daniela Rogulj

July 18, 2019 – The Split-Dalmatia County Association of Juvenile Volunteers of the Homeland War organizes the jubilee 10th memorial ...

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International Folklore Encounters Return to Dugopolje!

Daniela Rogulj

July 17, 2019 – Cultural Art Society “Ante Zaninović” from Kaštel Kambelovac, “Branimir 888 – Muć” from Muć, “Pleter” from ...


Remembering World Cup: Day of Unity, Pride and Happiness to be Celebrated in Sinj!

Daniela Rogulj

July 13, 2019 – A day of unity, pride, and happiness: Let’s remember July 16, 2018, and Croatia’s silver medal ...

Preparations Begin for 304th Sinj Alka!

Daniela Rogulj

On Thursday at 6 pm, preparations begin for the 304th Sinj Alka at the Alkar race course.  Before the start ...

Just One Week Away from the Juventus Football Camp in Dugopolje!

Daniela Rogulj

July 10, 2019 – The Juventus Football Academy or camp, which will last a total of five days, is just ...


Program Announced for Alka Days and Velika Gospa in Sinj

Daniela Rogulj

July 10, 2019 – The Alka Days and Velika Gospa, an umbrella event that brings together a multitude of colorful ...


10th Sinj Village Fair Announced for August 2nd and 3rd!

Daniela Rogulj

July 9, 2019 – The Sinj Tourist Board organizes the 10th ‘Sinj Village Fair’ as an event that encompasses the ...

Tourist Information Center Opens in Trilj!

Daniela Rogulj

July 4, 2019 – The Tourist Information Center of Trilj has opened as a way to better inform tourists visiting ...

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Tourist Information Center Opens in Sinj!

Daniela Rogulj

July 2, 2019 – Sinj is witnessing an increasing number of arrivals of foreign and domestic tourists in their town ...

Enjoy Summer in Sinj with Kamičak Etno Festival this August!

Daniela Rogulj

If you have already booked a holiday in Dalmatia and are looking to enjoy one of the more exciting events ...