
Igor Radovanović – All Korčula Wineries are Garage Productions

Total Croatia News

When viewed in world scale, all wineries in Korčula, except Čara cooperative, are garage productions, says the young winemaker

Croatian Winemaker Ante Milina: Who Doesn’t Take Risks, Risks Much More

Total Croatia News

Ante is a member of the new Korčula wine wave which his older colleagues are proud of, worthy of the ...

Croatian Winemakers Ivan and Marko Batistić Zure: Our New Vineyard is a Rebellion Against Karst

Total Croatia News

The new vineyard will in 2017 produce between 15 and 17 thousand litres of Grk, which is half the total ...

Croatian Winemakers: Branimir Cebalo – It Was Easier to Pull a Sailboat from 40 Metres than to Start My Own Winery

Total Croatia News

“As I was the first to begin producing Grk, and the old saying says no one got famous in his ...

Photo credits Korculanske Pjatance

Korculanske Pjatance: Spectacular Showcase of Korcula Cuisine in Autumn

Total Croatia News

An awful lot is written about the quality of Croatia’s gourmet offer, as well as initiatives to prolong the season. ...

Korčulanske Pjatance: the Korčula Foodie Festival, First Time in Autumn

Total Croatia News

The unique island gastro story was started in 2017, and this year’s festival will be the fifth edition. The festival ...

Korcula to Split via Peljesac Bridge: A Heavenly, Speedy Road Trip

Total Croatia News

One of the very few things I don’t like about Korcula is its accessibility. Driving down from Zagreb is already ...

Dea Botica

Lesic Dimitri’s Michael Unsworth Named Korcula Town Person of the Year. Bravo!

Total Croatia News

It is a love affair that started more than 50 years ago, when a young English student followed a pretty ...

Photos by Mandy Fransz

The Ultimate Guide For Digital Nomads in Korcula

Total Croatia News

This guide is written by Yvette Pelgrom and Mandy Fransz to share their top tips and recommendations after working remotely ...