kvarner tourist board

Health Tourism: Rijeka’s Rident Clinic Wins EMT Award for Patient Group Work
Total Croatia News
The conference was an opportunity for travel agencies and tour operators to link up with spas, clinics and hospitals from ...

Development of Health Tourism: High Priority for Croatian Tourist Offer
Total Croatia News
To discuss the development of health tourism in Croatia, a branch that is becoming one of the more important Croatian ...

Kvarner is Ready to Open Borders and Welcome Guests
Daniela Rogulj
May 28, 2020 – In May, a total of 39 hotels and 11 campsites were opened in Kvarner, and according to ...
Kvarner Tourist Board Developing Cycling Tourism, Branding Itself as Outdoor Destination
Daniela Rogulj
The Kvarner Tourist Board has successfully developed the region as an outdoor tourist destination over the last few years.