maritime property

What Does Proposed New Law on Maritime Property Bring?
Lauren Simmonds
As Andrea Beader/ writes, does the new proposal of the Law on Maritime Property and Sea Ports bring us any ...
Law May Decide Who Can — And Can’t — Use Croatian Beaches
Total Croatia News
November 28, 2018 — A new “Maritime Good” and Seaports Act will finally answer a long-burning question: can “private” Croatian ...
Local Forbidden from Using ‘Private’ Pier by American Family Living on Korčula
Total Croatia News
There’s been a lot of talk about concessions lately, but most stories had to do with concession holders banning people ...
Maritime Property in Croatia under Threat of Corruption, Island Movement seeks to Mobilise Public
Total Croatia News
The organisation that binds island and coastal organisations is pointing out serious issues with a draft Law on Concessions