

PM: Don’t Downplay Vaccination, Help Get as Many People as Possible to Get Vaccinated

Total Croatia News

“I strongly reject any downplaying of COVID-19,” Plenković told reporters during a visit to Farkaševac, a municipality in the northeast ...

Kristina Stedul Fabac/PIXSELL

Plenković: I Believe in Social Agreement Between State and Citizens on Vaccination

Total Croatia News

In an interview with the HRT public broadcaster, Plenković stressed the goal of vaccination was to gain collective immunity against ...

Spencer Davis from Pexels

PM Says Croatia Preserves Its Financial Reputation

Total Croatia News

The fourteenth annual international conference titled “Dubrovnik Forum: (Post)-Pandemic Geopolitics – Together in a World Apart” focused on the impact of ...


Conflict of Interest Commission Decides Not to Take Action Against PM and 3 Ministers

Total Croatia News

The Commission met today to look into a complaint claiming that Prime Minister Plenković, Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure ...


Plenković: LNG Terminal Put Croatia on Energy Map of the World

Total Croatia News

The aim of this initiative is to connect the countries of Central Europe, from the Baltic to the shores of ...

Davorin Visnjic/PIXSELL

Prime Minister Says Rise in First-dose COVID Vaccinations Encouraging

Total Croatia News

“It’s evident that our topics from the last government session have encouraged a certain number of our fellow citizens to ...

Milan Sabic/PIXSELL

Construction of Regional Training Centre for Firefighters Inaugurated

Total Croatia News

The HRK 120 million project is financed with EU funds, including 65 million envisaged for projects in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. ...


PM: Four Big Projects Will Be Realised, Reforms Continued in Next 3 Years

Total Croatia News

Croatia’s road to independence was difficult, but the years ahead will not be easier if we don’t prepare for the ...

Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Plenković: Every EU Member State Should Secide On Its Own On Travel Measures

Total Croatia News

“So far we have been in favor of a situation where every state and every public health system is able ...


Conflict of Interest Commission: PM Didn’t Influence Embassy Advisor’s Appointment

Total Croatia News

It has been established that Plenković, as an office holder, did not participate in the appointment of the advisor, who ...