politics croatia


“Proven Quality – Croatia” Label Soon to be Introduced for Local Food Products

Total Croatia News

On Wednesday, Minister Marija Vučković and other officials held a meeting with fruit growers  to inform them of the national system ...


EU Funds Absorbed by Croatia Exceed Payments Into EU Budget by HRK 43 Bn

Total Croatia News

In the 2014-2020 period, Croatia had €10.7 billion from ESIF at its disposal, the ministry said in a statement on ...


Economy Minister Expects Croatia’s Growth in 2021 to be Above 5%

Total Croatia News

Considering the trends in the tourist season and results in July and in the first half of August, I can ...


Less Wildfires in First 8 Months Than 5-Year Average, But Intensifying Lately

Total Croatia News

The area covered by blazes in the first eight months has been 12,207 hectares, or 54% less than the five-year ...


Croatia Condemns Decision to Name Pool After Morinj Detention Camp Guard

Total Croatia News

“It is utterly unacceptable to have a public facility named after a guard of the notorious 1991 Morinj prison camp. ...

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Zagreb Deputy Mayor Danijela Dolenec: Applications For Stay-at-Home Parent Grants to be Suspended in September

Total Croatia News

“We are aware that it is difficult to set a deadline, there isn’t necessarily a happy solution. It’s important to ...


Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomašević Says Bulky Waste Being Removed From Zagreb Streets as of Today

Total Croatia News

Speaking at his weekly press conference, Tomašević said bulky waste would be stored there for the next 75 days which, ...


GLAS Party: Foreign Minister Grlić Radman Should Advocate Active Role of EU in Taking Care of Refugees

Total Croatia News

“The images from Afghanistan must not leave us indifferent, nor can we pretend that is not our concern,” GLAS said in ...


Finance Ministry Issues Treasury Bills Worth HRK 983 Million

Total Croatia News

Ahead of the maturity of treasury bills worth HRK 1.23 billion, the Ministry offered a billion kuna in treasury bills for ...


Možemo! Party: Croatia Should Secure Int’l Protection For Afghan Refugees

Total Croatia News

“Given that it was militarily present in Afghanistan, a share of the responsibility lays on our country as well. But regardless, ...