prime minister of croatia

screenshot / Internet TV Hrvatskoga sabora

Opposition: It’s Not Good That PM Plenković is Trying to Intimidate Media

Total Croatia News

Social Democrat Arsen Bauk said the prime minister had opted for the “attack is the best form of defence” approach. ...


Associations Request Urgent Meeting With PM Andrej Plenković on Regular Public Transport

Total Croatia News

The answer and the date of the urgent meeting are expected by Friday, 4 June, at the latest, the associations ...


European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Joins in Condemning PM Plenković’s Statements

Total Croatia News

The HND said on its website that EFJ Secretary-General Ricardo Gutiérrez described as “totally unacceptable that journalists are being attacked by both ...


System of Digital COVID-19 Certificates Operational, Says PM Andrej Plenković

Total Croatia News

“Digital COVID certificates are here, they exist and can already be used,” he said, showing MPs a paper copy of ...

screenshot / Z1 Televizija

Political Science Association Slams PM Andrej Plenković’s Statements

Total Croatia News

The HPD recalled Plenković’s statement that “RTL hired Lalić to vilify (HDZ candidate for Zagreb mayor Davor) Filipović in the ...

screenshot / N1

New Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomašević: Sandra Benčić (Mozemo!) On First Moves

Total Croatia News

Following intense post-first round campaigns in Zagreb for the second round of local elections, Tomislav Tomašević is the new mayor ...

screenshot / Al Jazeera Balkans

PM Andrej Plenković: Media Are Not Sacrosanct

Total Croatia News

“I was just telling the truth,” Plenković said when asked by reporters whether he had gone too far  when commenting ...

screenshot / N1

Žarko Puhovski: “Is PM Plenković’s Attack on Lalić More Significant Than President Milanović’s On Me”?

Total Croatia News

“Is it really possible that (Prime Minister) Plenković’s scandalous attack on Lalić is so much more significant than (President) Zoran ...


PM Says Croatia’s Army Has Developed into Efficient and Modern Armed Forces

Total Croatia News

“In the last three decades, the Croatian army with its origins among the people, gained huge experience during the Homeland ...

screenshot / Hrvatska radiotelevizija

PM Andrej Plenković: Decision on Croatia’s Entry to Schengen Area Possibly in Second Half of Year

Total Croatia News

“I believe it is possible. We have excellent overall relations with Slovenia and it would be great if that happened ...