
Kulen, Prosciutto and Olive Oil Most Recognizable Croatian Products
The pandemic and stagnation in the world market have further emphasized the need for Croatia to focus on its food ...

Protected Croatian Products Safe from Grey Economy with Higher Prices
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marta Duic writes, this year, more precisely until the end of February, three new names of protected Croatian ...

Pivac Group Opens Largest, Most Modern Prosciutto Factory in Croatia
As Novac writes on the 26th of May, 2020, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Minister of Agriculture Marija Vuckovic, MP Branko ...
Potential for Croatian Producers as Prosciutto Exports Continue to Grow
As Morski writes on the 3rd of April, 2019, what has been happening with prosciutto for the past three to ...

Prosciutto in Support of Health – The 4th Promina Trail in Drniš
Feeling hungry but don’t want to pay the physical price? Head to Drniš.
In Vrgorac: A Day of Dalmatian Ham & Wine
The first “Days of Dalmatian Smoked Ham and Wine” was held over the weekend in the country paths next to ...
Drniš Prosciutto – Another Croatian Product Registered at the EU Level
The secret of Drniš Prosciutto is getting out.

Pršut Champion from Dugopolje – What is His Secret?
The International Pršut (Prosciutto) Festival in Drniš took place for the 2nd time last weekend. Many producers and pršut lovers gathered ...