
Student from Rijeka Creates First Croatian Humanoid Robot “From Scratch”
A student of the Technical Faculty in Rijeka, Karlo Džafić, presented his work at HRT. “The robot’s name is Timmy ...
Mirko Kovač Discusses Robotics Possibilities in Croatia
Mirko Kovač, a Swiss scientist and roboticist discusses the situation and the possibilities of developing robotics and this type of ...
Investments in Croatia: Ivanec to Become Home of Robot Assembly Hall
Investments in Croatia are growing in spite of the difficult investment climate which typically sends most would-be investors running for ...
Startups in Croatia: Estonian Entrepreneur Gives Croatia Advice
Entrepreneurs and startups in Croatia often have a difficult time getting things off the ground when starting with their business ...
Croatian Robotics Team from Đakovo Enters Final of International Competition
As Index writes on the 8th of December, 2018, a talented Croatian robotics team from the Josip Antun Ćolčić elementary school ...
Croatian Robot ”Pepper” is Main Attraction of European Researchers’ Night in Pula
Pepper the Croatian robot graced Pula with her presence.
Croatian Robots to be Presented at International Workshop in Biograd na Moru
Croatian robots are set to aid marine research.
Croatian ”Neurosurgeon” Robot Awaits Certification
There is large potential partner interest in two major European cities, Düsseldorf and London.
Croatian Students Build Robots with Help of EU Funds
Students and professors keeping up with the age of robotics