Šibenik-Knin County

Total Croatia News

Šibenik-Knin County located in the north-central part of Dalmatia and has a staggering 242 islands, two national parks, and the ...

Dubrovnik-Neretva County

Total Croatia News

You don’t have to be a travel expert to know that Dubrovnik is one of the best travel destinations in ...

Lika-Senj County

Total Croatia News

The Lika-Senj County of contrasts with the azure Adriatic, the commanding Velebit mountains and fertile plains. In general, this county ...

Krapina-Zagorje County

Total Croatia News

Krapinsko Zagorska Country or Zagorje as the locals call it is a fairytale land wedged between Zagreb and Slovenia with ...

Vukovar-Srijem County

Total Croatia News

Located in Croatia’s far east is Vukovar-Srijem County, where the Slavonian plains meet the syrmania hills. Here you’ll find seven ...


Karlovac County

Total Croatia News

Located in central Croatia, Karlovac shares a border with Slovenia in the West and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the East. ...

Zagreb County

Total Croatia News

When you’re in the capital of Zagreb take a look out into the distance. Have a good look in all ...

Koprivnica-Križevci County

Total Croatia News

Koprivnica Križevci County lies at the edge of the Panonian Basin, east of Zagreb, bordering Hungary on its North-Eastern side. ...

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Virovitica-Podravina County

Total Croatia News

  Virovitica-Podravina County is in north-eastern Croatia, between Koprivnice-Križevci county in the west and Osijek-Baranja county to the east. The ...

Brod-Posavina County

Total Croatia News

Brod Posavina County is one of the longest and narrowest counties in Croatia. It lies next to Slavonia’s border with ...