shift developer conference

Split Becomes Center of International IT Scene with Opening of Shift Conference
Daniela Rogulj
September 15, 2020 – The Shift Conference, a two-day open-air and hybrid developer conference, is specifically created to continue the tradition ...
How SHIFT Developer Conference in Split Grew into One of the Largest Regional IT Events
Daniela Rogulj
The SHIFT conference will be held in Split on May 31 and June 1, 2018.
SHIFT: Largest IT Conference in Southeast Europe Announces 7th Edition in Split
Daniela Rogulj
With over 20 professional speakers who will present the latest technology and talk about the most current developer themes, it ...
6th Codeanywhere Shift Developer Conference Expects 1,500 Speakers and Visitors
Daniela Rogulj
On June 1st and 2nd, the Codeanywhere Shift Conference will take place in Split where more than 1,500 visitors and ...