united nations croatia

Josip Perkusic, 1st Croatian UN Youth Delegate: Not all Dark for Cro Youth
Katarina Anđelković
As Poslovni writes, for the first time in 2020, the procedure for selecting youth representatives took place at that largest ...

United Nations Selects Croatian Agrivi’s Innovation as Best in Agriculture
Lauren Simmonds
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes, with software such as that created by the Croatian Agrivi company, farmers can work to successfully ...

President Milanović: “I think Serbian President Vučić is Proud of His Wartime Role”
Total Croatia News
In a talk at Columbia University on Monday, Milanović said Vučić had been a warmonger, which set off a storm in ...

Friends of Croatia: UNICEF – Croatia an Example to the World When it Comes to Breastfeeding
Total Croatia News
To ensure that our world even stays the same, let alone improves, new generations are essential. But, before they grow ...

Croatia Marks 29 Years of UN Membership
Total Croatia News
The first years of membership were marked by diplomatic efforts to bring the military aggression against Croatia to an end ...