waste management croatia

Croatian Copenhagen: 170 Kg Waste per Resident is Separated in Koprivnica
As RTL reported, “Every house here has a small composter, and everything is separated. Well, no problem. There are plenty ...

Croatia Has One of Best Waste Tire Recycling Systems in EU
Using tires for materials recovery results in the production of rubber granulate, textile, steel and rubber chips. They are also ...

Croatian Parliament Discusses Radioactive Waste Management
Speaking during a discussion on the proposal to amend the Radiological and Nuclear Safety Act, Katić said that only low ...

Krk Island Determined to Become Europe’s First Zero Waste Island
The management of Ponikve, the main utility company on Krk island, recently met with representatives of Zelena akcija (Green Action), ...

Croatian Islands Need Recycling Yards and Waste Sorting Facilities
“Waste disposal is a major challenge for the islands, especially during the tourist season,” warned Paula Bolfan, the movement’s coordinator ...

Prelog among Best Towns in Europe in Terms of Sustainable Waste Management
“Croatian towns and municipalities that are part of the European network have continued advancing their waste management systems, achieving new successes. ...

Međimurje County Champion in Municipal Waste Sorting
The data comes from an Environment and Nature Protection Bureau preliminary report on municipal waste sorting in 2020. Croatia was ...

Circular Economy on Islands Lags Due to Low Environmental Awareness
As Hina reports, the deputy mayors of Hvar and Cres warned that citizens are still unaware of the green economy’s ...

Five Smart Containers for Separate Waste In the Center of Rijeka
December 16, 2020 – The Rijeka utility company for cleaning and waste management “Čistoća” introduced five more new smart modular ...