What’s the Latest at Westgate Tower B? Lead Investor Josip Komar Speaks
Daniela Rogulj
What’s the latest with the second Westgate tower and home to the future Marriott hotel?
Why has Construction of Split’s Westgate Stopped?
Lauren Simmonds
A rather large spanner in the works for Split’s Westgate.
Split’s New Westgate 2: Check Out Drone Footage of Croatia’s Soon to be Tallest Building
Daniela Rogulj
The new 27-story monstrosity will be 110 meters high!

Westgate Tower B: Progress on the Future Marriott International Hotel in Photos
Daniela Rogulj
How is the progress going on Westgate Tower B – future home of Marriott International?
It’s Official: Split to be the New Home of a Marriott Hotel
Daniela Rogulj
One of the world’s largest hotel chains has confirmed their arrival to the Dalmatian capital.
Construction on the Tallest Hotel in Croatia to Begin in Split Next Week
Daniela Rogulj
An agreement was concluded to begin the construction of the reinforced concrete structure “Westgate B” in the Westgate complex in ...