Zoran Milanović

Source: Pixabay

Milanovic Advocates Adoption of National Cancer Strategy as Soon as Possible

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 12, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday met with representatives of the Croatia against Cancer initiative, an association ...

Source: Pixabay

President Says Would Support Possible Lockdown but Not Curfew

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 2, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic said on Monday that he would support a possible lockdown to help in ...

Source: Pixabay

PM Says President Will Bring Into Question Purpose of His Office

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 17, 2020 – PM Andrej Plenkovic has said that President Zoran Milanovic’s activity contains elements of destabilisation, that he is minimising and ...

N1 Hrvatska

Milanovic Meets With Croat Reps from Serbia, Says is Willing to Visit Them

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 5, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic met on Monday with a delegation of Croats from Serbia who informed him of ...

Source: Pixabay

New SDP Leader Says Will Borrow his Predecessors’ Best Traits

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October 5, 2020 – SDP leader Pedja Grbin has said that he will borrow what he considers the best traits of his ...

Copyright Romulić and Stojčić

Milanovic Wishes Lika Residents Wealthy Lives

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, October  2, 2020 – During a visit to the Lika region on Friday President Zoran Milanovic opened the Autumn in ...


President Milanovic Says will Discuss JANAF Case with PM

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 26, 2020  – President Zoran Milanovic said on Saturday in Pregrada that the solution to the JANAF case ...


Traditional Grape Harvest Feast Held in Northern Croatia

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 26, 2020 – The 50th edition of the traditional grape harvest feast took place in the northern town ...

Source: Pixabay

President Says Investigation in JANAF Case Not Clear

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, September 19, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic said on Saturday, in a comment on the JANAF corruption scandal, that ...


Aircraft Purchase Commission to Recommend Best Bid by Dec. 12

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 14, 2020  – The interdepartmental aircraft purchase commission will recommend the best bid by December 12, Defense Minister ...