Zoran Milanović

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Milanovic’s Policy of Reconciliation Praised by German President

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 11, 2020 – German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier supports the policy of reconciliation in Croatia pursued by Croatian President Zoran ...

Source: Pixabay

Milanovic in Principle for US Offer for Fighter Jets

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, September 10, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic said on Thursday that the American offer for multi-purpose fighter jets should ...


Milanovic: Renewed Division Of Croatia Into Regions Would Be Disintegration

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 9, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday evening while attending a formal session of the Varazdin ...

Facebook page of Freedom Festival

Milanovic: Protest Is Democracy, Going To Care Homes Is Idiocy

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 6, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic on Saturday commented on a protest in Zagreb against COVID restrictions, saying ...

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Defence Minister Says That President’s Visit To Albania Was Official

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Sept 2, 2020 – Defence Minister Mario Banozic said on Wednesday that according to his information President’s visit to Albania was official ...

Source: Grad Hvar / Hvar Town Facebook Page

Croatian President Pays a Non-Formal Visit to Sailing Club Zvir on Hvar

Total Croatia News

August 7, 2020 – Today, President Zoran Milanović hung out with young members of the Sailing Club Zvir in Križna ...

Source: Grad Hvar / Hvar Town Facebook Page

Croatian President Pays a Non-Formal Visit to Sailing Club Zvir on Hvar

Total Croatia News

August 7, 2020 – Today, President Zoran Milanović hung out with young members of the Sailing Club Zvir in Križna ...

Croatian President Compares COVID-19 to Tooth Decay?!

Total Croatia News

July 11, 2020 – Croatian President Zoran Milanović spoke at the opening of Dubrovnik Summer Festival and compared COVID-19 to ...

President Milanovic to visit Tezno, Slovenia on Friday

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 14, 2020 – Croatian President Zoran Milanovic will visit the Dobrava Cemetery near Maribor in Slovenia on Friday ...

Milanović Says Is Neutral in Election but Won’t “Go under a Quilt”

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, May 9, 2020 – President Zoran Milanović said on Saturday he was completely neutral ahead of the coming parliamentary ...