Croatian Winemakers Ivan and Marko Batistić Zure: Our New Vineyard is a Rebellion Against Karst

Total Croatia News

The new vineyard will in 2017 produce between 15 and 17 thousand litres of Grk, which is half the total ...

Croatian Winemakers: Oliver Roki – Crazy About Cricket, Adores Bugava, Famous for his Peka

Total Croatia News

“It’s finally time to devote ourselves to wine more seriously. We’ve acquired a 600.000 Euro loan and are set to ...

Croatian Winemakers: Oliver Roki – Crazy About Cricket, Adores Bugava, Famous for his Peka

Total Croatia News

“It’s finally time to devote ourselves to wine more seriously. We’ve acquired a 600.000 Euro loan and are set to ...

Croatian Winemakers: The Elegance of Moreno Degrassi

Total Croatia News

Proof that Moreno Degrassi invests a lot of love, effort and dedication to his work are numerous domestic and international ...