Month: July 2021


Croatia Logs 56 New Coronavirus Cases, 3 Deaths

Total Croatia News

There are 558 active cases, including 141 hospitalised patients, ten of whom are on ventilators, while 3,293 persons are self-isolating. ...


Jadrolinija Tourist Traffic Picking Up in Split without Ferry Port Crowds

Daniela Rogulj

The Jadrolinija agency at the Split ferry port is looking forward to increased traffic.  Slobodna Dalmacija reports that their counters ...

Luka Stanzl / PIXSELL

2021 HNS Elections: Will Marijan Kustić Replace Davor Šuker?

Daniela Rogulj

The Croatian Football Federation (HNS) has called elections. An Assembly to elect a new president, vice presidents, and the Executive ...

Za Zlarin bez plastike Facebook

Archipelago without Plastic: Krapanj and Zlarin Islands Moving Away from Disposable Plastics!

Daniela Rogulj

“For Zlarin without plastic” is an initiative initiated by Ana Robb, Nataša Kandijaš, Ivana Kordić, and Jelena Radošević to stop ...

Many Newer Croatian Emigrants Seeking German Citizenship

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, only around eight percent of parents from the newer generation of Croatian emigrants have enrolled their ...

Josip Aladrovic on Government Aid: Time to Separate Responsible from Irresponsible

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the announced possible denial of job preservation/economic aid to companies where workers haven’t been vaccinated has ...

Croatian Civil Protection Directorate Plans for Wider “Covid Passport” Use

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the vaccine against the novel coronavirus isn’t going to be made mandatory, nor are there any ...

Croatian Pauza Delivery Service Disappears Following Glovo Takeover

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Sergej Novosel Vuckovic writes, just as was announced back at the end of May, the once first Croatian ...

Cat Caffe, the Most Purrfect Place in Zagreb to Have a Drink

Total Croatia News

Croatia’s first cat cafe opened only 5 years after Takako Ishimitsu introduced the concept to the Austrian public in 2012. ...


Serb National Council Unveils Memorial to Victims of Ustasha WWII Crime

Total Croatia News

“On 1 July 1941, the Ustasha, led by Maks Luburić, savagely tortured and killed women, children and older inhabitants in Donja Suvaja. ...