€520,000 Project to Ensure All Residents of Lekenik have Access to Books

Total Croatia News

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The project will be implemented by the Lekenik Public Library in partnership with the local authorities, the Pet Plus association and the Agency of Local Democracy, based in Sisak.

The library’s director, Marija Hlupić, said during the presentation that apart from the funding secured from the European Social Fund, the Croatian Culture Ministry has allocated HRK 580,000 (€77,300) for this two-year project.

In addition to the book vans that will bring books o the scattered communities, other activities such as workshops and cultural events will also take place in Lekenik under this project, and admission to them will be free for users.

The book vans will operate every working day and will visit all communities.

Mayor Ivica Perović welcomed the project as interesting.

The municipality is located about 35 kilometres southeast of Zagreb and covers an area of 220 square kilometres.


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