Split Airport Falls Victim to Hackers: We Won’t Negotiate

Lauren Simmonds

split airport hackers
Photo: Ivana Ivanovic/PIXSELL

July the 24th, 2024 – Split Airport has become the latest victim of hackers. It stood firm amid the chaos in that it would not negotiate. The airport is now returning to normal.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Lukša Novak, President of the Board of Split Airport, issued a statement to the media in which he confirmed that Split Airport’s system was indeed hacked and is now slowly returning to normal following the attack. He confirmed that it was a serious attack, and that they know who was behind it.

“Our services worked all night ling. During the night, eight IT experts worked to remove the consequences and restore the Split Airport system, and this morning, that number was further increased. During the evening, in agreement with the airlines, we made a decision to work in the classic way. That meant that that the companies sent us passenger lists and we worked in the old way. We did it all with the manual mode of operation, today we can ensure a smooth flight schedule, with only some minor delays.

As for the hacker, it was very serious and a message offering negotiations appeared. However, the position of the Croatian Government and us at Split Airport is that any negotiations are out of the question,” pointed out Lukša Novak, who confirmed that it was the Akira group that claimed responsibility for the attack.

“Whether it was actually them or someone else used their name, it will be determined,” said Novak. As for the damage incurred, Novak said that at the moment Split Airport’s top priority is to provide the normal services to passengers and companies.


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