Dubrovnik’s ”Night of Books” will take place on the 22nd of April 2017 at Dubrovacke knjiznice (Cvijete Zuzoric 4, Dubrovnik, 20000)
Hand in hand with Earth Day, the morning program of Dubrovnik’s ”Night of Books” will be marked by not only one of natures most fascinating and beneficial products, but by something the countryside surrounding Dubrovnik is well known for – herbs. Ana Bebic will stage a workshop and an educational lecture on medicinal herbs and home-made healing balm for health and beauty.
Participants in the workshop will learn how to prepare a simple, healing balm composed of plants which are readily available locally and within the wider area. Attention will also be given to the fact that every fifth species of plant/herb on earth is in danger owing to human error and the generally negative impact of humankind on nature, therefore participants of Ana Bebic’s unusual workshop will be introduced and schooled in the basic rules of h
ow to correctly pick certain herbs and will learn more from the books who will ”star” in Dubrovnik’s ”Night of Books” about this widely overlooked subject.
”Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
”Što god snađe zemlju snaći će i sinove zemlje. Čovjek ne tka tkivo života; on je samo struk u tome. Što god čini tkanju čini i sebi samome”