Full Program Announced for 10th Mediterranean Film Festival!

Daniela Rogulj

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The special jubilee edition of the Mediterranean Film Festival (FMFS) in Split will show 85 films from 26 countries.

The 10th Mediterranean Film Festival will be the longest ever, running for ten days between June 8-17, 2017. Held in three famous locations around Split, the festival will show 85 films from 256 countries, many of which will have their regional and Croatian premiere, reports Dalmacija Danas on May 23, 2017.

At today’s press conference held at the cinematheque Zlatna Vrata, we were lucky to discover the various film treats the people of Split, and their guests will be able to enjoy during the ten days of the event. This June, Split will thus become the center of the film world around the Mediterranean.

The festival will open with the Bulgarian-Greek film “Glory” by Kristina Gorzeva and Petar Valchanov. The film tells the story of a railroad worker who finds a significant amount of money on the railroad tracks, notifying authorities immediately. The plot then takes an unexpected twist, and a PR agent for Bulgaria’s Ministry of Transport uses the admirable act to create a diversion for a corruption scandal.

The festival will close this year with the Norwegian film “From the Balcony” which was shown at the Berlinale. Directed by Ole Giaever, this film captures the main character’s stream of consciousness as he watches passersby from his balcony.

In addition, this year’s festival will introduce the project “Islands United” within which filmmakers from Cyprus, Malta, Ireland, and Iceland will come to Split. To promote Croatia, after the films appear at FMFS, the best Croatian short films from the popular program “Jeske” will go on tour to these respective countries.

The legendary cinema “Tesla” will return for the second consecutive year for free screenings of short films, and the jubilee edition of the festival will be further enriched with a photo exhibition titled “Glamor of Hollywood” in partnership with Photoklub Split, which will take place from June 5th to early July.

Find the program in its entirety here


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