Major Cities of Europe Conference Comes to Zagreb after 14 Years

Total Croatia News

Major Cities of Europe – IT Users Group is an organisation consisting of European cities which use the latest ICT innovations in their cities and representatives of which meet on an annual basis to share strategies, projects, talks about successful projects and discuss problematic ones, and, of course, to network and meet other successful people they can learn from. The conferences have been held in different cities since 1982 and this is Zagreb’s second time as a host, last time being 2003.

This year’s main topic is “The Digital Future – Cities Facing the Reality.” In addition to ICT experts from the field and academia, emphasis will be given to start-ups, SMEs and EU projects.

Some of the topics include eGovernment – has it happened and what further transformations are needed; how emerging technologies, such as IoT and artificial intelligence will affect people who work in public administration; local democracy in a social media world; how technology can help cities prepare for natural disasters, but also for terrorist attacks; sustainability, and various other topics of interest for the digital era.

See the full programme here and find out who the speakers will be here.

The main location is Hotel International, and the welcome reception by the Mayor will be held at Klovićevi dvori Gallery tonight.

Find out more here and watch a promo video below:


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