Lauren Simmonds

Šibenik-Knin County Wins ”Mediterranean Climate Change Adaption” Award

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 31st of May, 2019, the fourth European Conference on Climate Change Adaptation was held in ...

Croatia’s Infobip Proclaimed World’s Best A2P Service Provider in London

Lauren Simmonds

Paddling through a muddy array of depressing stories about companies operating (or not, as the case usually is) in Croatia, ...

Croatian Representative at Top of European Water Association

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marta Duic writes on the 30th of May, 2019, for the very first time since the founding of ...

Croatia and EU Invest Heavily in Zagreb Tram Network Reconstruction

Lauren Simmonds

The general aim is to modernise and improve the quality of Zagreb’s tram network, and this particular project does not ...

Zdravko Marić and Boris Vujčić Take First Step to Introduction of Euro

Lauren Simmonds

When Croatia jointed the European Union back in July 2013, it agreed that it would eventually have to introduce the ...

First Time at Italian ScaleIT Conference for Successful Croatian Startup

Lauren Simmonds

The presentation of this Croatian startup from Sveta Nedelja in Italy is due to its encouraging levels of success and ...

400,000 Tons of Food Per Year Thrown Out in Republic of Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

Just how much food are Croats throwing our on a yearly basis? What with world hunger growing at an alarming ...

Klapa Groups from Lastovo Perform in Former Military Tunnel

Lauren Simmonds

Lastovo in southern Dalmatia is one of the closest things to heaven on earth as one can get. This still ...

New Dubrovnik Area Project to Connect Lokrum and Trsteno Arboretum

Lauren Simmonds

The City of Dubrovnik, the wider area of Dubrovnik-Neretva County and southern Dalmatia as a whole has a lot to ...

VIDEO: Discover Rimac Automobili, Guided by Mate Rimac Himself

Lauren Simmonds

While there are many bleak stories about business failures and endless reams of red tape put in place by mindless ...