Lauren Simmonds

New Croatian Ferry Line from Baška to Lopar to Operate All Year

Lauren Simmonds

New ferry lines are always needed, and it’s one of the top complaints of Croatia’s permanent island inhabitants, as the ...

Croatian ICT Company to Take North America After London and Vienna

Lauren Simmonds

As Suzana Varosanec/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 29th of November, 2018, Business Intelligence (Poslovna inteligencija), the leading company for the implementation ...

New Hotels in Croatia: After Šibenik’s Solaris, Amadria Park Takes Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

New hotels in Croatia are popping up all the time, and some major investments have seen the tourism sector come ...

Digital Croatia: Open A Company In One Click In 2019?

Lauren Simmonds

Doing business in Croatia is always tricky, it’s a long road often filled with an insane amount of paperwork and ...

Good Croatian Tourist Season Sees Domestic Economy Grow

Lauren Simmonds

Government spending has risen since 2009, citizen spending has slowed down, and employers continue to express their heightened anxiety about ...

Largest Croatian Software Company to Build New Campus in Zagreb?

Lauren Simmonds

The largest Croatian software company and the very first one to exceed 1000 employees has allegedly begun plans for the ...

Advent in Knin: Dalmatian Hinterland Gets into Festive Spirit

Lauren Simmonds

Fancy spending part of the festive season in a rather unusual location? It isn’t Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar or Zagreb, but ...

Croatian Police to Fine Those Driving Without Removing Snow from Car

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian police have been upping their game recently when it comes to fining drivers, from offenses like using your ...

Uhljebistan: Communal Officer Tries to Charge Woman for Lost Pet Signs

Lauren Simmonds

Have you ever wondered what Uhljebistan means? We use the word a lot here at TCN and often are quick ...

Pula Riva Tram: The Answer to Istrian City’s Summer Crowds?

Lauren Simmonds

As Glas Istre writes on the 26th of November, 2018, calculations show that almost a million people per year can ...