Lauren Simmonds

Croatian Employers’ Association Claims Croatia Learned Nothing from Crisis

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian Employers’ Association score which measures the implementation of reforms in twelve key areas puts the Republic of Croatia ...

Ivica Todorić’s Lawyer Speaks Out: “He’ll Decide What He Does Next”

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić’s attorney, Jadranka Sloković, clarified a few things for N1 on the 21st of November, 2018, with regard to ...

Croatia Falls Short as EU Demands More Women in Management Positions

Lauren Simmonds

The EU wants to see around 40 percent of women making up positions on company management and supervisory boards by ...

Virovitica Will Have Largest Budget Ever in 2019, Investments Planned

Lauren Simmonds

Virovitica is by far one of Croatia’s most overlooked cities. Located what feels like a world away from the hustle ...

Vrgorac Mayor Dismisses Excess Administration, Turns Offices into Nursery

Lauren Simmonds

People are constantly complaining about politicians. It’s a trend which knows no borders and isn’t limited to any one particular ...

Ivica Todorić Leaves Jail: I’ll Win Power and Lead Croatia in Right Way

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić paid his million euro sum and has now officially been released from Remetinec prison. How did he come ...

Ivica Todorić Pays Million Euro Bail, Soon to Leave Remetinec

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić has been spending time in Zagreb’s Remetinec prison since his extradition from Britain to Croatia to face trial ...

Croatian Navy to Purchase Patrol Vessels, Rockets and Radars?

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian military, in its various segments, has been making some rather large purchases of late, and it seems that ...

Taxis in Croatia: Ridecar Begins Providing Services in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

More taxis in Croatia will make the capital city richer for transport possibilities as Ridecar has entered Zagreb’s taxi market ...

Driving in Croatia: Changes Coming to Croatian Motorways

Lauren Simmonds

Driving in Croatia is always a pleasure, especially if you’re taking a journey across the country, from the south to ...