Lauren Simmonds

Croats Love Diesel Engines, But Is That Really A Bad Thing?

Lauren Simmonds

German statisticians released data on their export of used diesel cars in recent days, and Croatia has taken second place, ...

Zagreb Earthquake: Second Rumble in Few Days Felt in Capital

Lauren Simmonds

Just a few days ago, a small earthquake could be felt in the Croatian capital of Zagreb, and now just ...

From the Philippines to Dalmatia: Filipino Woman Falls in Love with Šibenik

Lauren Simmonds

All the way from Asia, to the oldest native Croatian town on the shores of the sea – Šibenik. The ...

Port of Ploče: Complete Reconstruction of Damaged Area Planned

Lauren Simmonds

Ploče port suffered an unexpected blow (quite literally) thanks to a large tanker this past summer, and now a full ...

New Croatian Central Consumer Portal, When Will It Be Ready?

Lauren Simmonds

According to Ipsos research, at least one negative shopping experience was reported by 29 percent of the respondents so far. ...

ECO-NautiNET: Platform Designed for the Nautical Sector

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 24th of November, 2018, a meeting of the technical working group in the framework of ...

Šibenik Company With Distinguished Clientele Raises Business to Higher Level

Lauren Simmonds

The Šibenik company, Capax, currently employs twenty people and, as they themselves have pointed out, are constantly looking for new, ...

Major Project Will See Croatian Company Open 100 New Work Positions

Lauren Simmonds

One Croatian company which deals primarily with Information Technology has launched a praiseworthy project with the help of European Union ...

Gari Cappelli Praises Residents and City of Zadar

Lauren Simmonds

The City of Zadar has always been a popular destination in Dalmatia, boasting the stunning sea organ, and, as Alfred ...

Istria: Employees in Buzet Town Institutions, Firefighters Consider Strike?

Lauren Simmonds

While the strike that took place owing to Uljanik’s failings towards its employees might have taken up a large part ...