Lauren Simmonds

Payment to Walk at Trakošćan Park as of April 1

Lauren Simmonds

A price hike for Trakošćan.

Croatia’s Nenad Bakić Saves Varteks with 20 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

Varteks finds a saviour in one of Croatia’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Croatian Smart Bikes Win Hearts of Arabs

Lauren Simmonds

Smart bikes from Pisarovina are winning the hearts (and legs) of people across continents.

Rimac Building Billion Kuna Factory in China

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s Mate Rimac will invest his vast knowledge and five million euro into an e-engine and battery factory worth 158.2 million ...

Foreign Investors Seek to Invest Two Billion Kuna into Golf Centre

Lauren Simmonds

Could one large foreign investment see a golf centre boost yet more tourism for Prukljan?

Life of the Youth: Small Croatian Town Sees Biggest Employment Hike in One Year

Lauren Simmonds

One Istrian town is setting a shining example for the rest of the country.

Government Action Plan to Expand Economy by 625.9 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

Economic expansion remains the aim.

Another Attempt to Sell Hoteli Maestral Begins

Lauren Simmonds

The state just can’t seem to get rid of Hoteli Maestral…

Tourism: Tehnika to Construct Costabella in Rijeka

Lauren Simmonds

A new tourist feature for Rijeka is on the horizon despite Tehnika’s woes.

Todorić: ”Agrokor Didn’t Need Criminal Roll-Up Loan”

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić believes Martina Dalić to be a destructive person without a great deal of knowledge.