Lauren Simmonds

Fancy Learning Chinese for Free? Head to Zadar!

Lauren Simmonds

Feel like your Chinese isn’t up to scratch? Or is that a stupid question?

Got a Loan? Croatian Kuna Strongest in Six Years

Lauren Simmonds

Got a loan? You can breathe easy, at least for now…

South African Company Purchases Zagreb’s City Center One

Lauren Simmonds

After Arena Centar, South Africans purchase Zagreb’s City Center One.

Todorić: ”Ramljak Isn’t Main Problem, Lex Agrokor Should Be Abolished”

Lauren Simmonds

In the wake of Ante Ramljak’s step down from his former position of Agrokor’s extraordinary commissioner, Agrokor’s former boss gives ...

Croatia Airlines to Introduce Regular Zagreb – Mostar Line

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for those wanting a quick way from Zagreb to Mostar!

FlixBus and Croatian Post Cooperate: Discount on Purchased Tickets for First 3 Days

Lauren Simmonds

Better availability to its users and the raising of the quality of the service provided for the local population are ...

Why has Construction of Split’s Westgate Stopped?

Lauren Simmonds

A rather large spanner in the works for Split’s Westgate.

Franković: ”I Don’t Think Srđ Golf Project Will Happen, Dubrovnik Will Plan What Goes Up There”

Lauren Simmonds

The much talked about golf project for Mount Srđ appears to be stagnating, and according to Franković, it seems it ...

Seenews Top 100 2017: 3 of 10 Most Profitable Companies are from Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s INA continues to be the most valuable company in the region, with a market capitalisation of 3.8 billion euro.

New Fire Station and Fire Engines for Supetar

Lauren Simmonds

Supetar is learning from the disasters of last year and pouring more funding into fire safety.