Lauren Simmonds

Croatian Eco-Producers Try for Chance on European Market

Lauren Simmonds

The EU and world market creates greater chances of success for Croatia’s growing number of eco-producers.

Mišković to Build InterContinental in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

A new addition on the way for the capital.

Croatia’s Raw Sweets by Mihaela Available in 91 DM Stores

Lauren Simmonds

One talented Croatian eco producer is given a hand by the DM chain.

New Investments On Cards For Šibenik

Lauren Simmonds

Investments await one of Dalmatia’s most beautiful cities.

Jobs for 500 Employees: Croats from Switzerland Invest 150 Million Euro

Lauren Simmonds

The aim is to raise the quality of tourist services to a higher level.

Rapska Plovidba Builds Large Ferry for 99 Vehicles and 594 Passengers

Lauren Simmonds

A 60 million kuna investment has seen the creation of Rapska Plovidba’s largest ferry to date.

Green Light for 100 Million Euro Mega Project in Pula

Lauren Simmonds

A five year investment plan is required.

Agrokor: Extraordinary Administration Operation Results Will Be Known in March

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s business data for last year should be known at the end of next month.

Croatia is Weaker ”Second Home” Destination

Lauren Simmonds

More and more foreigners are buying holiday and second homes, but Croatia’s potential isn’t as high as it could be.

EU Cash for Biševo’s Famous Blue Cave

Lauren Simmonds

Projects involving locations facing increasing pressure from tourism and crowds are among the most important.