Lauren Simmonds

zagreb met boutique hotel

New Zagreb MET Boutique Hotel Opens

Lauren Simmonds

October the 3rd, 2023 – The brand new Zagreb MET Boutique Hotel has opened its doors right here in the ...

croatian animal shelters

5 Croatian Animal Shelters to Volunteer At or Donate to

Lauren Simmonds

October the 2nd, 2023 – If you’re an animal lover and you’re looking to give back to the less fortunate ...

herzegovina earthquake

Herzegovina Earthquake Shakes Dalmatia

Lauren Simmonds

October the 2nd, 2023 – A strong Herzegovina earthquake measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale with an epicentre near Grude ...

Ruđer Bošković

Ruđer Bošković Institute Scientists Make Strides in Mechanochemistry

Lauren Simmonds

October the 2nd, 2023 – Of all the (many) Croatian institutions that exist, the remarkable Ruđer Bošković Institute always comes ...

croatian green transition

Croatian Green Transition Among Best in EU?

Lauren Simmonds

October the 2nd, 2023 – Renewable energy and the environment are hot topics for us all of late. The current ...

forgotten dalmatia

Forgotten Dalmatia – The Instagram Account Showcasing The Past

Lauren Simmonds

October the 2nd, 2023 – Forgotten Dalmatia (Zaboravljena Dalmacija) is an Instagram account attracting the attention of all those wanting ...

volunteering in croatia

Thinking Of Volunteering in Croatia? Here’s How

Lauren Simmonds

October the 1st, 2023 – The rules on volunteering in Croatia are handled by the Law on Volunteering (Zakon o ...

first rijeka hotels

Plava Laguna Sells One of First Rijeka Hotels

Lauren Simmonds

September the 29th, 2023 – Plava Laguna (Blue Lagoon), a large domestic tourism company, has now sold one of the ...

zagreb educational institutions

Zagreb Educational Institutions Partake in Global Project

Lauren Simmonds

September the 29th, 2023 – Two Zagreb educational institutions – more specifically the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) ...

croatian politics

This Week in Croatian Politics – Hooligans, Putin & Liberland

Lauren Simmonds

September the 29th, 2023 – This week in Croatian politics, we’ve had everything from Ursula von der Leyen being greeted ...