Lauren Simmonds

Eurostat Reveals Habits of Croatian Companies and Online Sales

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian companies are among the top when it comes to online sales through their own websites or applications, as opposed ...

Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities: Ambitious Plans for 2018

Lauren Simmonds

The Society of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities have a busy year ahead of them…

Wave of Konzum Closures to Follow Closing of Rijeka and Osijek Stores

Lauren Simmonds

According to Konzum’s management, the stores in Osijek and Rijeka incurred losses and didn’t have business prospects…

Goran Marić Announces Large Infrastructure Investment in Mali Lošinj

Lauren Simmonds

A significant project for Mali Lošinj is on the way…

Plenković: ”Economic Data is Encouraging, Government will Continue with Reforms”

Lauren Simmonds

The PM is happy with the current economic trend and deems the figures to be encouraging.

Property Prices in Dubrovnik Remain Most Expensive

Lauren Simmonds

While the cost of living isn’t as high as in other Croatian cities, property prices in Dubrovnik still dominate the ...

Plenković to Slovenia: ”We can Punish your Fishermen too, it Isn’t a Problem”

Lauren Simmonds

Tensions have only risen in the increasingly uncomfortable situation between Croatia and Slovenia.

Money to Burn? Average Living Costs in Four Croatian Cities

Lauren Simmonds

Rijeka, Zagreb, Osijek or Split? Which would you prefer?

Iva Nikolić Presents Pearl of the Adriatic to the Chinese, Incredible Promo for Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

It’s no secret that Chinese tourists love Croatia, particularly Dubrovnik, and now things are being taken one step further in ...

Tomislav Karamarko Returning to Politics?

Lauren Simmonds

”They’re ringing me up from HDZ unsatisfied, I’ve got to come back”