Lauren Simmonds

Todorić: ”The Fight Against A Corrupt System”

Lauren Simmonds

The blog of Europol’s most wanted sees yet another entry.

Days of Cultural and Creative Industries To Be Held In Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

Helping kids to know what direction to take!

Picula: Islands Should Aim For Better Quality Of Life For Locals, Then Focus On Tourism

Lauren Simmonds

Just what direction should Croatia’s islands take?

Cryptocurrency Payments Coming Soon For This Croatian Town

Lauren Simmonds

Fancy paying your communal fees with bitcoins?

Agrokor, Todorić, Insults and Lawsuits – La La Land Visits Planet Earth

Lauren Simmonds

Yet another blog post from Europe’s most wanted…

Pelješac Bridge: Croatia’s Most Important Project Is One Billion Kuna Short

Lauren Simmonds

The drama of the endless Pelješac Bridge saga continues…

Arrested Saudi Billionaire Wanted to Invest in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

A dodged bullet or a missed opportunity?

Agrokor Earthquake: As Much As 200 Million Kuna In Pension Funds Lost

Lauren Simmonds

Incomprehensible losses as shares plummet…

Dubrovnik’s Autumn Tourism Boom: October Brings Great Results!

Lauren Simmonds

Summer destination? Time to ditch that dated label.

Ante Ramljak Files Lawsuit: ”Bernardić Persistently Repeating Series Of Untruths”

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s government appointed extraordinary commissioner has filed a lawsuit against SDP’s Davor Bernardić.