Lauren Simmonds

Popular Croatian Products Grace Shelves of Austria’s Interspar!

Lauren Simmonds

Some much loved Croatian brands find themselves on Austria’s shelves!

Who Will You Vote For? Dubrovnik Fights For Best Film Location of Decade!

Lauren Simmonds

Will you be voting for the Pearl of the Adriatic?

Lawyer Claims Ante Todorić Has Arrived in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

His lawyer claims he has finally arrived.

Sberbank Warns Croatian Government: ”You’re Seriously Jeopardising Creditor’s Rights”

Lauren Simmonds

Sberbank sends a firm warning to the Government of Croatia.

Ivica Todorić: ”I Won’t Stop Fighting For The Truth”

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the increasing levels of chaos surrounding him, the ex Agrokor boss has not neglected his blog.

RTL: Ante Todorić Definitely Not Arriving in Croatia Today

Lauren Simmonds

Sources have told RTL that the eldest of the Todorić sons is not arriving today.

Five Most Dangerous Consequences of Agrokor Crisis for Citizens

Lauren Simmonds

The biggest corporate crisis in Croatia shook the whole country, but what consequences does it carry? Here are a few…

Twelve Arrested in Agrokor Chaos Await Custodial Decisions, Ante Todorić Believed To Be Arriving Tomorrow

Lauren Simmonds

It is expected that an international arrest warrant will be issued for Ivica Todorić and his sons.

Marić On Arrests of Ex Colleagues: ”I Know These People, I Hope They Have Strength To Deal With This”

Lauren Simmonds

The finance minister comments on the arrests of his former Agrokor colleagues, wishing them well in their ordeal.